Are Schools Built for Learning?
The following blog assignment can be found on Mrs. Kallas's blog, click here to view
My ideal learning environment would be like the picture to the right. A colorful classroom, with many decorations would welcome me each morning, and keep me engaged, rather than bored. The classroom could have a section for each subject being taught, for example, in a kindergarten class there can be a science, social studies, math and reading center. Each center can have posters and activities for that subject in its section, to keep the students moving around, and observing different things, throughout the day. The students should switch subjects while having a break from learning, so they can get all of their wiggles out. The students could, for example, play Simon Says when changing subjects. This could reward the teacher when the students work hard, because they are looking forward to their "Brain Break". I would want the desks to be in groups, so they can communicate, and learn how to work together. There would also be a carpet in the front, for the class to do things together, and meet up when learning, or having a discussion. The students would be evaluated by knowing how to complete the activities at each station by their self, and would rarely be given any tests.
Classroom Pictures:
1. Like the one below, this classroom (to the left) has many things on the walls, which can teach the students to use their resources.
2. These tables would work for a group, and the carpet is in the front of the classroom.
Here is a link for a website in which you can plan your own layout for your classroom.