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Recently in class we started to read "The Smartest Kids in the World" by Amanda Ripley. I think this book is very interesting and a good book to read if you are interested in what it's like to be a foreign exchange student. I found interesting, and really enjoyed what I read through the first four chapters. I got introduced to the students: Kim, Eric and Tom, and I am very excited to read more about their experiences in Finland, Korea and Poland.
Recently in class we started to read "The Smartest Kids in the World" by Amanda Ripley. I think this book is very interesting and a good book to read if you are interested in what it's like to be a foreign exchange student. I found interesting, and really enjoyed what I read through the first four chapters. I got introduced to the students: Kim, Eric and Tom, and I am very excited to read more about their experiences in Finland, Korea and Poland.

The three different schools in Finland, Korea and Poland were very interesting to me. I learned that most of them are not like schools in the U.S., especially Korea. The way they taught and led things were very different. Out of the three schools, I think that the school in Finland would be beneficial to the United States. Finland offers a school that may be considered as "old-school". Even though the school does not use technology, I think that this would help the students in America to stay engaged and on task. The teachers in Finland are devoted and excited about teaching. I think teachers like this would benefit the learning envoiornment in the U.S., because if the teachers are promoting education, the children will enjoy it.
Click here to view an intrerview with the author of this book.