Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What Would You Do?

The following blog post is in response to the assignment that can be found here.

After reading the given scenarios, I am going to provide a solution for scenario 4. Below is the exact description of the scenario.

Scenario 4
You are about to change into your field site attire and realize you have forgotten your field site shirt and name badge.  The bus will be leaving in three minutes.  You have on jeans with holes, and a low cut top.  You saw Mrs. Picky, your BCTAL EAT teacher, at your field site yesterday.  Since you think she will not be stopping by to visit interns at your field site, you hop on the bus without your EAT attire, taking your chances that you will not be discovered.  After all, if your field site mentor teacher and principal don’t say anything, there is no harm done, right?

After being an intern for one full year, and already starting on my second, the solution to this situation greatly stands out to me. If this situation happened to me, I would do a few steps to make sure that I did the correct thing. First, I would text my EAT teacher and let her know that I forgot my proper attire, and ask what he/she would like me to do. Ideally, my teacher would quickly reply and I could follow the exact orders my teacher wants me to do for that day. If my teacher does not reply right away, I would not get on the field site bus, but instead get on the BCTAL bus and go to BCTAL for the day. As soon as possible, I would text my mentor teacher and let him/her know that I could not be there today, and apologize for the short notice. If my EAT teacher is at the BCTAL, I would stay in the classroom and work on any classwork that needs to be done, but if he/she is not there, I would work in the hallway or in the other teacher's classroom. I would stay for the designated class time before returning back to my high school.