Friday, November 11, 2016

Teachers Go Beyond the Call of Duty- What's Your Calling?

The following blog post is in response to the assignment found here.

 Teachers Go Beyond the Call of Duty -- What's Your Calling?

On November 5th, 2016, I participated in the Region XI TAFE Competition in four events. I competed in the ELF Test, Portfolio, Scrapbook and Breakout Sessions, and advanced in each of these competitions for state. I picked two of these competitions because I already had my portfolio (guidelines) completed from last year, and I had experience in the ELF Test from last year. I enjoy working in groups, so I though the Scrapbook (guidelines) and Breakout Session Competition (guidelines) would be something I would enjoy. I enjoyed competing in these four things, and I would not change one thing about the things I signed up for. In my group projects, each member worked diligently to get their part done, so I could not have picked any better members for these competitions. The biggest obstacle I encountered would have to be the lack of time that I had to prepare each of these projects. Even though the time span was long, it was difficult to finish three presentations, and prepare for another, in that time frame. The thing I enjoyed the best from these competitions, would be putting them together. Even though it was sometimes difficult because I'm a perfectionist, I enjoyed getting to see all what our chapter has done, and get to show that off to the judges. The thing that I didn't like the most was the difficulty in the group projects because, the members were in different class periods. It was hard planning and preparing these projects when we were not together. If I could change anything about my competitions or the process creating them, I probably would have spent a little more time preparing the scrapbook and the script, so I did not have to stress about, and prepare, the script last minute. Throughout this experience, I have gained a lot of responsibility, and trustworthiness. While working in a group, my team members were able to trust that I would get my part done, and I was responsible enough to finish it on time. After completing these projects, and my success at the region competition, I can not wait to go to the state conference. I am so excited! To prepare for the Teach Tomorrow Summit, I am going to focus on the scrapbook the most, since this is the competition that has way more requirements for state. All of my other competitions are finished for state, but I will need to perfect my presentations before I compete again.


Portfolio Certificate

Chapter Scrapbook Group and Certificate

E.L.F. Test Competitors and Certificate

Breakout Session Group and Certificate